FAQ – frequently asked questions about the recognition of foreign professional qualifications

You have a foreign professional qualification, would like to work in your profession in Germany and have lots of questions about what to do? Then you've come to the right place. Under “FAQ - frequently asked questions about the recognition of foreign professional qualifications” you will find numerous answers.
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The German labour market needs skilled workers. If you have just arrived in Germany for work, lots of things will still be new to you and will seem complicated to start with. The Network IQ – Integration through Qualification will help you find your feet in the German labour market. This help is free of charge.

What does Network IQ offer?

IQ advice on recognition and job training

You are only permitted to work in some professions in Germany if your foreign professional qualifications have been recognised. To obtain recognition, you apply to the competent authority. The competent authority checks whether your foreign professional qualification is equivalent to the German professional qualification.

Network IQ will support you during this recognition procedure. The staff at the IQ advice centres are able to help you compile the certificates and documents you need to send to the competent authority. They can also help you complete and submit the recognition application.

Sometimes, the assessment notice from the competent authority tells you that your foreign training is not yet equivalent to the German training. This is because substantial differences currently still exist. You can compensate for substantial differences by completing job training. After this you are able to obtain full recognition.

Network IQ will also help you find appropriate job training.

IQ recognition and job training advice centres are available here.

IQ job training support and IQ job training

As part of an IQ job training support, IQ employees will help you, for example, by creating a training plan. IQ employees can also help you in the search for appropriate training and with organisational matters (consultation with employment authorities, organisations etc.). The support provided sometimes also includes advice on funding options.

Network IQ also provides job training itself. This enables you – for example if you receive partial recognition – to compensate for substantial differences between a foreign and German professional qualification.

What if you haven't completed vocational education and training but you do have professional experience? Network IQ can also help you get on to the labour market. IQ staff will coach you, determine the skills you have acquired informally or non-formally, and ensure you are visible to employers. This increases the chances of you finding a job appropriate to your level of ability and your practical experience.

IQ job training support, IQ job training and other IQ offers can be found here.

Advice on Fair Integration

IQ's Fair Integration service provides advice on social welfare and employment law issues. It is aimed at refugees or migrants who have come to Germany from a third country (outside the EU) and who are already working in Germany. You can, however, also contact Fair Integration if you have not yet arrived in Germany and need information on social welfare and employment law issues.

For example, if you have questions about your contract of employment or about a notice of termination, you can contact a Fair Integration advice centre. Advice is available in all federal states and is free of charge, anonymous, and available in multiple languages. The Fair Integration website also provides lots of information and materials about employment law.

Further details about the IQ Fair Integration service and about searching for advice centres is available here.

Das Förderprogramm IQ − Integration durch Qualifizierung zielt auf die nachhaltige Verbesserung der Arbeitsmarktintegration von Erwachsenen ausländischer Herkunft ab. Das Projekt Regionales Integrationsnetzwerk Thüringen wird im Rahmen des Förderprogramms „Integration durch Qualifizierung (IQ)“ durch das Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales und die Europäische Union über den Europäischen Sozialfonds Plus (ESF Plus) gefördert und vom Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge administriert. Partner in der Umsetzung sind das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung und die Bundesagentur für Arbeit.
